Thursday, January 15, 2009

Delusions of Grandeur

Every now and then I get this wild look in my eye and decide I'm going to do some big ass project that I somehow think will take no time at all and everyone will think is so great and neat and whatever... Ha! Then I realize not so much. Please make me feel better and tell me you do that sometimes too - lie if you have to.

The pic is of French Monogram Basket by Twisted Oak designs. I looked at the pattern, saw that it was just the same small motif four times. I thought - "Hey I can make a bunch of these for all my friends! I can do a bunch of different colorways too - it's gonna be so neat." I used some 32ct linen from Silkweaver that came in one of their grab bags so I don't know exactly what it is - the colors are showing up reasonably well though so you get the idea.

I thought I'd crank one of these out every two weeks or so while doing other projects too so I wouldn't get bored. Ha! It took all my stitching time for more than 2 weeks to finish. Also it never occurred to me that I might need more than one skein to do all four motifs until I was well into it. I didn't quite make it with the one skein of Dinky Dyes Amethyst silk I used, but luckily I had an oops pack of Jo's from a couple years back that had a shade similiar enough to fake it if cut in the right place for the last 30 stitches or so. Then I went to find backing fabric to actually make it into a basket I was thinking in my head that I had some emerald green velvet that would look great next to the deep purples. First the velvet I had was not in any pieces big enough to work, then the shade of green didn't go as well as I thought it would. *sigh* nothing else in my small stash of fabrics would really work either, so now I have to shop.

And oh yeah, there is no way I'm making any more than just this one - at least not for a very long time! So after this debacle I'll just go back to stitching on some WIPs and hope the next time the creativity bug bites me I plan a little better and have some more realistic expectations!


Anonymous said...

I think it's lovely! I'm sure you can crank out another 3 or 4 in time for the GTG in March, right? LOL

Jenny said...

Yeah, Susan that is what I was thinking - make one for each of you. Sorry ain't happening now!

Erin (moviemuse) said...

LOL! Yes, I'm sure we've all done that. I know I have (like thinking I would make an ornament for every member of my family every year, ha ha). It's pretty, though, and I think it would be lovely with velvet, when you find the right color.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you crack me up. I do the same thing! It sure is pretty though. :)

Wendy said...

It looks very great. And I have to admit, I dare to lie also if I have to!

Belinda said...

It's beautiful. And yes, I've had delusions of grandeur as well - my DD's First Communion veil comes to mind. I can crochet, and pretty fast, so whipping up a nice lacey veil should be easy. Size 30 cotton, tiny hook, delicate, yeah that would be nice.

I never counted on my hands cramping up after 2 motifs! It ended up taking me over a year to get it barely big enough to suffice, much less anywhere close to what I'd thought...

Kathy A. said...

Oh hon I know where you are coming from. I have done that more times - this is just a small piece - it won't take me that long - right - months later it's still not done lolo