I've been spending the last few days vamping up for my return to work and trying to get my ducks in a row. My biggest task is finding the right daycare for Katie. I've visited three different ones now, all of which were definitely passible. I just want to send her to absolute best place we can. Since DH and I both got good jobs paying far more than any previous job we've ever held we can definitely afford top notch care - so that is what she's gonna get. I like the last place I visited the best, and incidentally it is also $30 cheaper per week than any other place I've visited or called. I liked it the best because the classrooms seemed brighter (more windows), more open, cleaner, and the teachers all seemed friendly and open too. I just got a better feeling there, like the people there like their jobs. Only problem is that another family called first and has first dibbs on the open space in the toddler group. They are deciding by the end of the week whether they want it or are going to go with a different center. I told the director today that they were our first choice, so if the other family doesn't work out definitely give us a call. *sigh*
Our second choice is also nice and there was nothing wrong with the place at all, everyone seemed competent and friendly, I just didn't have the same instinctual "I really like this place" feeling I had at our first choice. So I guess it is up to fate - we have our first and second choices lined up.
I'm also waffling on what to do with Alex. I'm hoping my schedule will allow me to go in early and then leave early to pick him up from school and that DH will be able to go in late enough to drop him off at school on his way in - then we wouldn't need any care for him. That might not always be possible though as my new job is as a consultant and depending on what company I'm assigned to work at my start and end time might vary form assignment to assignment. Most of the daycares I talked to do have after/before school programs for school age kids. However, when I ask about the kids enrolled it seems they are more 1st and 2nd graders and Alex is in 5th grade. I don't want him stuck in a room full of blocks and crayons and 6 yr olds, but I'm not sure he is ready for the responsibility of being at home everyday for an hour or two after school until I get home. I'm going to call a few of the moms of his friends that I know work and see what they do with their 10/11 year olds. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm listening! :)
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I don't have an older child, but Eva's daycare has the before and after care thing too. They have older kids that go and the age thing doesn't seem to be much of an issue there. When I pick Eva up in the afternoons the older kids have usually just gotten there. They have tables set up for them and they have a snack and they get the kids started on their homework. I notice that some of the older kids help the younger kids. I don't think the daycare asks them to do that, they just do. Anyway, it doesn't seem really awful for the older kids.
Definately go with gut instinct on the daycares. I really lucked out with the two daycares Eva was in. But when you go visit them, you can just tell which ones are just not good. For me the biggest thing was always the way it smelled. I remember there was one where I walked in, took a whiff, and walked right back out without even looking at the rest of the place.
The other thing, which I've learned lately, is see how many teenagers are working there LOL Eva's has a lot that come in when they get off school. I've noticed that she's really picked up a lot of their speech patterns and it is SO annoying!
I have no suggestions, but wish you luck on your day care search!
I haven't had to deal with it for many years, but, I do have a teenager now. :-)
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